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Terms and conditions for FUNDAMENTAL - 4 classes/month

Thank you for purchasing a membership with StudiOM_333, LLC. You are very important to us and we love having you as a part of the StudiOM community.

You will be automatically be billed monthly according to your date of purchase.

Membership includes: 4 classes per month. Up to two classes can be rolled over to the following month. Classes do not accumulate each month.

Your membership is not a contract however it does have terms for sale and refunds:

Non-Refundable: All sales are non-refundable for payments that have been posted for any reason.

Cancellation Policy: I understand that my membership can be canceled at any time after my 2nd payment.

You must cancel online or submit your cancellation request to innersunyogastudio@gmail.com or deliver it in writing to the studio at least 15 days prior to your next automatic payment.

Suspension Agreement: I understand that I am on the Fundamental Membership option. Plan suspension "holds" are not available on this plan.

Credit or Debit Card Agreement: I agree that I will keep a current credit or debit card on file at all times during my membership period. Should my card be declined more than two times in a billing cycle I will be invoiced a $10 late fee. I can update my card information on line or contact the studio by calling 920-716-3175 or in person.

Unused classes: Up to 2 unused classes will be carried over to the following month. All unused classes will be forfeited upon cancellation.

With love and light and thank you!